Current Classes

Monthly Series: Fake Science Field Notes

Join Community Scientists out in the field for guided tours, field note tips, and observation studies resources. Class meets monthly on Tuesdays.


October 24, 2023-March 31st, 2023

Special Series: Intro to Zine Making

Learn how to make zines, as instructed by community artists & experts!

82 Main St. Brooklyn, NY

December 28th, 2023

We are proud to offer our courses to the community for free. If you benefit from what we do and have money to spare, please consider signing on as a member. All funds go toward class materials and paying our teachers for their offerings. Thank you!



Help support our growing community by joining at the Pigeon level. Your support will help pay our writers, and you’ll get access to our exclusive newsletter.



Join at the Sparrow level and become a member of our flock! You’ll receive our newsletter, plus a bird pin that you can wear with pride when you’re out in nature.



Play a leading role for our community by joining at the Falcon level. This level earns you a seat on our board, where you can help plan future birdwatching expeditions.

Into Fake Science?

We’d love to stay in touch!

Fake Science Facts

P.O. Box 000, 
Burlington, VT 05401
United States

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